Spy Kids

This month we watched Spy Kids. The movie was chosen by our good friend Frazley, who is also guesting the show, to let us know what this is a master piece we just have to watch. The children of secret-agent parents must save them from danger. Send us your own one sentence review and follow us over at these places: Website: https://fivepointfive.reviews Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivefivereview Special Guest: Frazley.

This month we watched Spy Kids. The movie was chosen by our good friend Frazley, who is also guesting the show, to let us know what this is a master piece we just have to watch.

The children of secret-agent parents must save them from danger.

Send us your own one sentence review and follow us over at these places:

Website: https://fivepointfive.reviews
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fivefivereview

Special Guest: Frazley.

Spy Kids
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